Criminal Docket Procedure Changing 5/23
Ms. Quijas will continue to send docket emails with the list of cases attached by end of the day Wednesday the week prior. On docket mornings, I will call the first appearances and pro se defendants starting at 9:00 so that the courtroom will be less crowded. I will start calling cases with attorneys no later than 9:15. Ms. Quijas will continue to email the results for all cases to the DA’s office and sheriff’s department.
The procedure to continue a case will remain the same. Respond to Ms. Quijas’ email prior to the deadline with the date requested and, as long as there is no objection, you will not be required to appear. Remember that if your client is out of custody, you are affirming to the court that you have good contact with them and will notify the client of the new court date so they do not appear at docket.
Attorneys and out of custody defendants will need to appear in person. Judge will call the case. Both defense and prosecutor assigned to that case will approach the bench. Defendants can stand up to be seen and do not need to approach with counsel. Counsel will let the Judge know if they are requesting a continuance or scheduling a hearing. Both defense counsel and the DA will get in line with Ms. Quijas and she will take care of scheduling. Please also have information regarding the status of discovery and plea negotiations on your cases updated.
I am hopeful that the docket will not only run more efficiently, but that counsel on both sides will use the time at the docket to (quietly) discuss discovery, diversion eligibility, plea negotiations and other issues in order to keep cases moving.
Judge Renee S. Henry
Wyandotte County District Court
Div 13
Maurice Brewer, President
Kayla Roehler, President-Elect
Robert Armstrong, Secretary
J.D. Baker, Treasurer
Claire Kebodeaux, Past President
Spencer Low
Hon. William Mahoney
James Floyd
Hon. Mike Russell
As you are all aware, operations at the Wyandotte County Courthouse have changed significantly due to the global pandemic. It is anticipated that Jury Trials will resume the week of June 7. In preparation for this shift, the Criminal Docket and the Preliminary Hearing Docket will once again be handled through Division 13. In an effort to keep members of the bar updated on procedures, I wanted to share the following information:
-Criminal Docket will remain on Tuesday Mornings.
All hearings will be set at 9:00 am, and the primary hearing mode for this docket will be via zoom for the time being. As such, you may anticipate spending time in the “waiting room” on zoom much as you would at an in-person docket. Docket is not a setting for any type of hearing other than scheduling.
-Docket cases may be continued prior to the Tuesday morning docket
Gayle Fulks, Division 13’s AA, will reach out to parties scheduled for the docket starting the Wednesday prior. If a new date for your case is scheduled prior to noon on Monday, no appearances will be necessary. If no date has been scheduled, you must appear via zoom. It will be vital that counsel respond timely to any communication from Ms. Fulks. Her email is and phone number is 913-573-2987.
-Defendant’s Appearance
In Custody defendant’s will not be present via zoom or in person. Out of Custody Defendant’s will not be required to appear provided you can assure the Court that you have regular contact with your client, and they are not in violation of bond conditions. Attorneys are responsible for forwarding the zoom link to their client whenever client wants/needs to be on the zoom hearing.
If a defendant bonds out prior to a first appearance, they will need to appear in person for the court to conduct a first appearance. Other exceptions may apply and defendant’s appearance either in person or via zoom may be required by the Court at any time. Any pro se defendant that does not have an attorney and has already had their first appearance will be able to appear via zoom if they have given Ms. Fulks and email address for zoom.
-Preliminary Hearing Docket
Prelim Dockets will resume on Thursdays at 9:00, 10:30 and 2:00. The cases will all be called in Division 13, and may also be sent to Division 11 or 12 for hearing. For the time being, the number of cases at each docket will be limited. We will continue to maintain social distancing requirements. Parties and witnesses may have to wait in the hallway for their case to be called if that is necessary to maintain social distancing. We will expect parties to use appropriate steps for the consideration and protection of others, including wearing masks appropriately, cleaning surfaces after themselves, and picking up their own trash.
As always, these procedures are subject to change as we adjust to our new “normal”. Thank you all for your patience and grace as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times.
Div 13 Prelim Docket begins Thursday 5/27, Criminal Docket begins June 1.
If you have any other questions you may contact Div 13 at 573-2987.
Judge Renee S. Henry
Division 13
Effective Co-Parenting Techniques (ECT)
Please click here to download the updated order for Effective Co-Parenting Techniques (ECT) class. This order has been approved by Chief Judge Burns and is now being issued by the Clerk’s office to pro-se litigants who come to file. This order can also be found on
This class had previously been offered in person twice a month, but we have currently moved it to Zoom and will need parents to contact our office to register and obtain a Zoom log-in. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns.
Thank you,
Erin Barnes
Director of Domestic Court Services
29th Judicial District Wyandotte County
710 N. 7th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66101
Attorneys may now conduct non-monitored, non-recorded attorney/client visits via Homewav, the jail’s video visitation provider. These will be visits that attorneys can conduct remotely with their clients by use of the attorney’s iPad, tablet, computer or other electronic device. Keep in mind that, for the time being, although the visits will not be monitored or recorded, they will not be completely private, meaning that others within the inmate’s pod that happen to be standing around may be able to overhear what is said. This is because, at this point in time, the Homewav visitation kiosks are not enclosed but, rather, a standing unit in each of the pods. If these visitations gain traction with counsel, there is a possibility that the Sheriff’s Office will look at adding additional kiosks and then also enclosing some kiosks for full privacy in the pods for the attorney-client video visitations. At this point, the goal is to add some accessibility for attorneys to contact their clients housed in our facility, particularly in the early stages of the case.Continue Reading
Security Changes at Municipal Office Buildings
Effective Monday, November 4, 2019, several changes were be made to the entrance points of several of the downtown municipal office buildings. These changes were made to increase the security, accessibility and efficiency of these buildings. The following changes are in effect:
City Hall (701 N. 7th Street)
- Public/ADA may enter through the front doors located on 7th Street
- ADA/Wheelchair accessibility enter through the rear doors located between City Hall and the Health Department
Wyandotte County Courthouse (710 N. 7th Street)
- Public/ADA may enter through the front doors located on 7th Street
- ADA/Wheelchair accessibility enter through the south circle drive located on Barnett Ave.
- The north circle drive entrance on Ann Avenue will be closed
Court Services Building (812 N. 7th Street)
- Public/ADA may enter through the front doors located on 7th Street
- ADA/Wheelchair accessibility enter through the north doors located on Armstrong Ave.